Craigslist California searches all of the following locations.
craigslist cities: Bakersfield - Chico - Fresno - Madera - Gold Country - Hanford Corcoran - Humboldt County - Imperial County - Inland Empire - Los Angeles - Mendocino County - Merced - Modesto - Monterey Bay - Orange County - Palm Springs - Redding - Sacramento - San Diego - San Francisco Bay Area - San Luis Obispo - Santa Barbara - Santa Maria - Siskiyou County - Stockton - Susanville - Ventura County - Visalia Tulare - Yuba Sutter
California Craigslist Search looks at the entire state of california and covers a total of 163,696 sq mi. California has an area ranking of 3rd in the country, with a population of 39,250,017 people, giving california a population ranking of 1st highest in the U.S. with an average population density of 240 people per square miles.
California has the following nick names: The Golden State
California has the following state moto: Eureka
The people who live in California are known as: Californian
The capital of California is Sacramento
California's largest metro area is Greater Los Angeles Area
California was admitted into the United States on September 9, 1850, before it was admitted into the union, it was known as the California Republic. California was the 31st state to join the United States.
California has the following state emblems:
State Amphibian: California red-legged frog,
State Bird: California quail,
State Flower: California poppy,
State Insect: California dogface butterfly,
State Reptile: Desert tortoise,
State Tree: California redwood,
State Colors: Blue & gold ,
State Dance: West Coast Swing,
State Fossil: Sabre-toothed cat,
State Gemstone: Benitoite,
State Mineral: Native gold,
State Rock: Serpentine,
State Soil: San Joaquin,
State Song: I Love You, California